Consultancy 2019-08-22T13:51:28+00:00


Support in improving efficiency and effectiveness in your business.

Due Diligence & Discovery Investigations
This review process looks at the key components that make up a business and how effectively they are operating. It examines such things as :

  • The Robustness of a Business Plan and Alignment to Vision.
  • The Market Dynamics and how well the plan understands this.
  • The Organisational Structure and how well aligned to the Business Plan it is!
  • The Leadership and Accountability.
  • The People and People Development and Engagement Processes.
  • The Operational Delivery Model.
  • The Governance and Key Control Processes.

Strategy & Business Planning Workshops

No plan will ever be successful unless it engages the people in the business in its creation and ensures there is a collective commitment to deliver the plan. These workshops are tailor-made to ensure a wider leadership commitment to the overall plan and the associated objectives. The workshops are designed to focus on various audiences from Board Level, to the Wider Leadership in the business. The video below shows a live example of one of these workshops.

Video : Mouchel Engagement Event Final

Turnaround Strategy & Advice

In some cases, companies are in need of urgent advice to move forward, this looks at actions that can be taken to address short term needs, sometimes even survival, and blends these with medium term strategies.

Organisational Structure Review & Resource Planning

This looks at the Organisational Structure from front line staff up to Board Level and reviews its effectiveness and cost efficiency. It identifies areas for improvement and recommends possible solutions based on industry practice, but tailored to the particular Company.

Operational Improvement Planning

This delves deeply into Operational Delivery, looking at things like how work is planned supervised and how revenue is collected. It considers the levels of clarity and accountability for delivery of objectives. It examines Commercial and Contractual terms and whether these are understood.

It also examines such things and supply chain management and procurement processes and how well these are operating.

People Development Planning

No matter how good the plan is and how robust the processes are, without the right people in the right roles, who are clear on these roles and feel passionate and empowered to deliver them, a business may struggle to be successful. This looks at the people and whether they are appropriately placed in role and have the tools they need to be successful.

Market & Growth Planning

This is examines whether there is a Market plan in place and such things as:

  • Dynamics (size of Market/ Key Trends/Competitors) of the sectors being operated.
  • Key Strategic Opportunities coming to market.
  • Client and Customer perception
  • Market Position.

Business Development

This examines whether the Company has an appropriate Business Development and Sales Structure in place and that targets within the business plan are properly pursued with an effective Account Management process in place.

Pre Sales Preparation & Post Sale Integration

This service looks at how well prepared is a Company for an effective sale, whether through trade or equity.

It then provides a post sale service to enable successful integration of an acquisition.